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The One Health Plan that Works 100% of the Time

Writer's picture: Joshua BanningJoshua Banning

If you're reading this you've probably at least tried to improve your overall health through some sort of plan. You probably also have found that some plans suck. They're too hard to incorporate into your life and it left you frustrated.

Well, I have some good news.

I have found a plan that is guaranteed to work 100% of the time.

Want to know what it is?

It's YOUR plan.

Y is for You

You need to realize you are the most important part of the plan. The focus shouldn't be on the food, the focus shouldn't be on the diet, and the focus should be on you. How do you feel when you eat certain foods? How do you feel after certain workouts? How are you handling the additional stress of taking charge of your health?

You need to remain the central focus of any health plan.

O is for Options

A rigid plan rarely works for anyone these days. We're constantly bombarded with new experiences and emergencies. One day your life will allow you to focus and make some solid steps towards a healthier plate and then the next day you'll have to readjust to focus on your fitness or stress. No one achieved optimum health through a rigid linear path.

U is for Understanding

A great plan allows you to make mistakes. Two steps forward and one step back is perfectly fine. It's about a longer progression and building underlying habits. Habits that become part of your life. This leads us to the last point.

R is for Rewarding

Your health plan should reward you with additional energy, confidence, and connection with yourself and your loved ones. A good health plan leaves you with the feeling that you're on the right track and you don't need to chase after the next fad.

We kept the principles of YOUR health plan in mind when we created our Pretty Healthy Metabolism course. We start our journey with a focus on you and why your health is important to you. We provide options to choose your style of health while still leading you to the ultimate destination of true health. We reiterate multiple times that this is a journey and that many people will need to go through this course multiple times. It's about taking sustainable steps and sustainable steps take time. We know as you progress you'll feel the rewards of the healthier lifestyle that you created for yourself. The reward of confidence to go off plan and splurge while also knowing how to easily get back on track.

A fool-proof health plan does exist. It just involves you as the main character and most plans don't want you to be the main character.

We do.

Check out our Pretty Healthy Metabolism course and see if it's a good fit for you.


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