Recently, I was purchasing some produce from one of my regular farmers at the market and we got on the subject of watermelon. He was absolutely shocked to find out I eat the seeds! The farmer who grows the watermelon on his farm had no idea that the seeds were edible. Mind blown.

Then as an adult, I started traveling and living overseas. And I don’t recall the exact time it happened, but I remember observing that no one in my observations outside the USA spit out their seeds. I decided to give them a try and low and behold, a watermelon didn’t grow in my belly. Nor did I get sick.
Watermelon Seeds Are Edible & Nutritious
Yes, watermelon seeds are not only edible, they’re good for you! They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Per ounce they have more protein than an egg.
Yes, watermelon seeds are not only edible, they’re good for you! They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Per ounce they have more protein than an egg.
I will say that sometimes they taste good and other times, they don’t. It entirely depends on the watermelon. Sometimes the seeds are delicate and have a nice flavor snd other times they’re too big to be enjoyable.
My rule of thumb is to eat them unless I happen to notice they’re bothering me. This is because i eat so much watermelon (a whole one a week in the summer!), it doesn’t even occur to me to spit them out unless they’re unusually large and crunchy. But it’s not like I’m scooping the ones on the bottom of the bowl of my cut watermelon with a spoon either.

Were you made to believe that watermelon would grow in your belly if you ate the seeds too?